Microsoft’s Notepad is quick and light on resources. After that it doesn’t have much to offer. Here’s two very simple and quick methods of changing Notepad to a more robust program of your choosing. I use Notepad++ as my default text editor and for SQL, HTML, CSS, .htaccess, quick lists & notes, opening Unix based read me files, file comparisons and much more. Notepad++ is lightweight and fast but also very powerful and it’s free via GPL License.
Steps to set the the Default TXT file format association to Notepad++
Full conversion method here – replace notepad.exe with notepad++.exe
Method One – Notepad ++
(steps 1-2 required if User Account Control is enabled)
- Launch by right clicking the Notepad++ Shortcut and selecting Run As Administrator
- Say Yes to Do you want to allow this program to make changes to your computer
- Click Settings > Preferences > File Associations
- Highlight Notepad, highlight Text, highlight .TXT
- Click the arrow to register the TXT extension with Notepad ++
- Close Notepad++ and test opening a text file
Method Two – Windows
- Control Panels -> Default Programs
- Associate a file or Program…
- Hightlight .TXT in the Name Column
- Click Change Program
- Browse to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++ on 64bit systems
- Browse to: C:\Program Files \Notepad++ on 32bit systems, or on 64bit systems if Notepad++ goes 64bit
- Double click Notepad++
- Confirm Always use the selected program… is checked
- Click OK and test
- All .txt files will now open with Notepad++ (or program of your choosing)

6 thoughts on “Replace Notepad as default Windows 7 text editor”
I found a nice and easy tutorial if you need to do the same for Windows 10. Also how to change all defualt file extensions
Here’s the link:
Thanks! Works great
Thanks, step #1 worked perfectly!
Thanks, very helpful!
Thanks a lot….!