Combine Strava GPX or TCX files

If for whatever reason your Strava workout, ride, run or walk gets divided up into two or more Strava Activities – you can easily merge or combine the data into a single event with combined time, distance and speed.

Process Outline

  • Your Strava Activity consists of 2 or more GPX or TCX files (you cannot join unrelated activities).
  • Export the data from Strava that you wish to combine into one activity.
  • Upload, Review and Combine the problem files on the GOTOES website.
  • Confirm your downloaded TCX file.
  • Delete the related activities in Strava (or your combined file will be flagged as a duplicate).
  • Upload your new combined TCX file to Strava.

Steps to Combine Files

Export your data as a TCX file from Strava – Skip this step if you already have TCX or GPX files available to upload

  1. Open each of your activities one at a time.
  2. Append   /export_tcx   to the end of the URL like this:*YourActivity*/export_tcx
  3. Your browser will download a file like this: Ride_Name.tcx.
  4. Repeat for each Activity you want to combine.

Combine your TCX files

  1. Visit this URL for – GOTOES Strava tools:
  2. Upload your TCX files.
  3. Review & Confirm activity parameters – Date, Location etc.
  4. Combine – Click the Button to Combine the files.
  5. Download – Your browser will download a single TCX file – this is your complete ride.

Delete your activities in Strava  – or your new combined TCX file will be flagged as a duplicate activity.
Before proceeding – confirm you have the TCX file from pervious steps.

  1. Load each of your affected Activities from the export steps.
  2. Click – Actions (gear icon) and then Delete.

Upload your combined TCX file

  1. Strava Upload –
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Done – view your complete workout!

References – Strava Support Links


11 thoughts on “Combine Strava GPX or TCX files

  1. Hi – possibly a silly question but where do i find the downloaded file after 2 rides have been combined. I cannot see it in Strava or in my downloads

    1. Hi Glyn, the combined file should download to your web browsers standard download location – most often the Downloads folder where you’ve checked.

      To check Downloads for Google Chrome you can click the three dots by your profile/name at the top right. Or press Ctrl+J on a computer. This will show your download history. If not found, try again perhaps the download was canceled or interrupted.

      Examples for Google Chrome:

  2. how to ensure strava/garmin only take moving time for the pace calculation as both file has a gap in time in between.

  3. Problem I keep getting is if there’s any sort of distance gap between the two files being joined Strava just adds it in and assumes I must have ran it at something silly like 1 min/mile pace which ruins the whole run and also shows up as a big spike. Any way to stop that happening? I’ve tried every setting but it always does it (tcx or gpx).

  4. It wouldn’t work for me because I had a chunk of the run alreay in Strava. I ran 14 miles and my watch stopped at 8 and I had to restart. I wanted to paste the two runs together. Couldn’t do it because Strava recognized one part of the run…

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